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Top 3 solo projects

Python language logo

Sudoku app

Playing sudokuVictory screen of sudoku app

A fully functional Sudoku game application for Windows.

Nextjs logoTypeScript language logo

Matěj Šimeček

Business website for a client

A one page business website for a financial advisor.

Nextjs logoTypeScript language logo

Zelené stavění

Business website for a client

A business website for a client, who specialises in building green roofs.

Top 3 group projects

JavaScript language logo

Rugby Říčany

Display of previous matches on the website

A website for our local rugby team. My part was loading matches from Google Sheets with limited code capabilities, because of the CMS resources.

Nextjs logoTypeScript language logo

DX Heroes

Homepage with spline animation

Contributing to a website of a company that helps with the adoption of digital products. My part was for example implementing infinite scroll and search bar for filtering articles.

C language logo


Display of a map in terminal made of dots and zerosThe same map filled with x's in place of the biggest gap

A program that finds space for the largest square and inserts 'x' characters in it's place.

Other projects

You can view all my projects and more on GitHub.

Currently I'm upgrading my current projects and websites.
